Pay as you
go and
package specials

  1. Choose your package - introductory, private or group lessons
  2. Purchase your group lesson below
  3. Contact us to schedule privates by phone, text or email
  4. A purchase indicates you agree with our terms and conditions.

Private Lessons - Personalized, and the best way to get started on the right foot!

Gift card

These gift cards can be purchased here and sent to the address of your choice (or you can pick up/we can email). Please put the name of the the person you are gifting it to in the TO section, as well as the name you would like in the FROM section. Please note that the price for PRIVATE LESSONS includes up to two people as the price for a single or couple is the same. However, the GROUP CLASS rates are per person so make sure to purchase the "couple" option if you are purchasing for a couple or are planning on taking a 6 or 8 week class with the person you are buying the gift card for. Gift certificates expire one year from purchase.

$85.00 USD
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Pay as you go private lessons - No partner required!

Private lesson: cost is the same for a single or couple. The lesson is 50 minutes. Please note that our teachers only get paid when you come to dance. To avoid being charged for canceling, please give us 24 hours notice, otherwise you will be charged for the lesson.

$85.00 USD
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5 private lessons - special introductory package - No partner required!

Convergence Dance & Body Center

Available to new students only, this special allows you to purchase a series of lessons at a discounted rate. Call the number below for more information or to book your first lesson. Please note that our teachers only get paid when you come to dance. To avoid being charged for cancelling, please give us 24 hours notice.

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Group lessons

All Levels Latin Styling Class  

Roxanne Maier
Saturday, April 12th - 12-1:30pm
All Levels
No partner is necessary but pre registration is encouraged

Hey all of you Latin Dancers! Come and lean some sensual and saucy styling from veteran teacher Roxanne. She has a distinctive style that is both fun and musical. We will be working with how to insert clever ways to move and style in basic figures so that you will have ample opportunity to use your newfound skills! Doing shines with no idea how to make them look natural and fluid? Come to this class!!! She will teach multiple variations that can be used in different ways in both your salsa and Bachata. Obviously, no partner is required :)

$ 25.00 USD
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Club Salsa 101 - Class Closed to followers (4 leader spots open/ 2 couple spots)

Robert McKenney
April 3rd to May 22nd - Thursdays at 6:30pm (8 weeks)
Beginner - No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received. (Email to be wait listed for an overflow class)

GROUP CLASS. Salsa with style for the newly interested! This salsa class covers all the basics in a fun and friendly environment where you will learn how the dance is done while laughing along the way! This class covers the following: basics forward and back, right turns, combs, passes to the right, cross body leads and stop and go turns. We also teach you some Bachata as well, as it is a very popular dance at the clubs! All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received.

$ 135.00 USD
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Intermediate Club Salsa

Roxanne Maier
April 3rd to May 22nd - Thursdays 8:30pm (8 weeks)
Beginner -No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.
Convergence Dance & Body Center

GROUP CLASS. In this class we will work with more complex combinations of all the material learned in 100, and 200 series classes. This is a faster paced class which assumes a clear mental understanding as well a a physical ability to execute the material learned in the 100 and 200 series classes. If you are currently in a 200 series class, please ask your teacher which class would be best for you to take next.

$ 135.00 USD
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Club Salsa 201

Robert McKenney, Oritza Rodriguez & Roxanne Maier
April 3rd to May 22nd - Thursdays 7:30pm (8 weeks)
Adv Beg/Int - No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.

Group Class: These classes are the next step on your tour of the Salsa world! We work on basic and more advanced spins while taking the fundamentals and making them seem more complex. Not to worry, Club Salsa 101 will have prepared you for these new twists an turns! This will make your salsa jump to an entirely new level and is tons of fun. This class is taught in two- eight week parts (202 & 203) that are alternated in our curriculum, and can be taken in any order. All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received. All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received. Class registration is open. Prerequisite for this class is Club Salsa 101 or permission of instructor.

$ 135.00 USD
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Casino Style Salsa Rueda 101

Roxanne Maier
Mondays, January 13th to March 3rd at 6:30pm
beg-beg intermediate -No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.

This is a basic 8 week class for people with some regular salsa experience to come and learn a bit more of a Cuban style of movement in this fun style of salsa. This is a group dance, although the moves can be done in regular salsa as well. It is fast, non stop and tons of fun! This class is not for someone that has never danced salsa before, but will really add to your salsa on top of being a great workout! Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Pre-requisites are at least 8 weeks of salsa experience for a better learning experience.

$ 135.00 USD
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Argentine Tango 100 Series

Robert McKenney and Liz Schwarzkopf
March 31st to May 19th - Mondays at 6:30pm (8 weeks)
Beginner - No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.
Convergence Dance & Body Center

GROUP CLASS. Our beginning series classes (101, 102) are all the basics plus some fun and fancy broken into two parts. Starting with the Ocho (101) or the Molinette (102) series is ideal. This particular section starts with developing clear and concise leads and follows in parallel system, your tango walk, and amagues. Learning easy ways to get into molinettes (simple pivots and turns) as well as in and out of crossed system. Then, we play with the ideas of Barridas (drags), Paradas (stops), and pivoting and balancing techniques. Come get tangled up with us! All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received.All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received. All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received.

$ 135.00 USD
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Argentine Tango - Series 205

Robert McKenney, Liz Schwarzkopf
March 31st to May 19th - Mondays at 7:30pm (8 weeks)
Intermediate - No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.
No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes so singles are required to pre register.

GROUP CLASS. This class is designed to help the advanced beginner or seasoned intermediate work on connection, technique and the embrace while also focusing on some of the more challenging and athletic material that inspires so many of us when we start. In this class, we will work on non-traditional shaping of all the intermediate moves we have been teaching over the years: sacadas, boleos, ganchos, volcadas, etc. The foundation of great Nuevo is great Salon. Connection is required for all moves, both simple and athletic. Join us for an exciting new class with a new twist. .All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received..All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received..All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received.

$ 135.00 USD
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Performance Salsa Rueda Team

Roxanne Maier
February 27th start date - Thursdays 6:30pm (8 weeks / 8 hours of class)
Intermediate/Advanced - By audition only
Convergence Dance & Body Center

GROUP CLASS. These classes are specifically for the performance team. Those interested in knowing more about it would need to have a good level of Cuban salsa and would need to bring a partner that they would be dancing with in class.

$ 135.00 USD
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West Coast Swing - Series 200 -

Roxanne Maier
April 8th to May 27th - Tuesdays at 7:30pm (8 weeks)
No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.

This 8 week adv beginner West Coast Swing class will help the newer dancers continue to build on the fundamentals of connection, lead follow and flow in a more fluid way so that they are able to enjoy the dance beyond the basics with more fun and style. We will work on more complex passes, and whip turns as well as basic style points and drills to help the really motivated learn faster. No need for a partner but we do gender balance the classes so please sign up early and get your friends involved. The more the merrier and it is always fun to share exciting activities with friends!

$ 135.00 USD
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West Coast Swing - Series 301

Roxanne Maier
April 8th to May 27th - Tuesdays at 6:30pm (8 weeks)
Beginner - No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.
Convergence Dance and Body Cenetr

West Coast Swing is predominately danced to pop, R&B and some blues. It is fun, creative and can be danced everywhere! This class is designed to continue to lay the groundwork for people to be able to dance a basic West Coast Swing dance with a bit more spice to popular music at a club or wedding. You do not need a partner but you should have taken West Coast Swing 101 / Novice West Coast Swing as well as a200 series class  before registering for this class. We do lead follow balance the class so single registrants, please register early so we can organize that.

$ 135.00 USD
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West Coast Swing - Series 100

Roxanne Maier
April 8th to May 27th - Tuesdays at 8:30pm (8 weeks)
Beginner Level
No partner required but we do lead/follow balance classes. Solo dancers are recommended to pre-register early and are accepted in the order received.

GROUP CLASS. Ready for some fun? Come learn some basic West Coast Swing in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Our 100 basic class will teach you solid basics and easy-to-understand principles to prepare you for more complex combinations in the future. These classes focus on the fundamentals of partner dancing and begin with easy 6-count patterns to get you dancing and having fun right away.  All classes are lead/follow balanced and are processed in the order they are received.

$ 135.00 USD
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Gift card

These gift cards can be purchased here and sent to the address of your choice (or you can pick up/we can email). Please put the name of the the person you are gifting it to in the TO section, as well as the name you would like in the FROM section. Please note that the price for PRIVATE LESSONS includes up to two people as the price for a single or couple is the same. However, the GROUP CLASS rates are per person so make sure to purchase the "couple" option if you are purchasing for a couple or are planning on taking a 6 or 8 week class with the person you are buying the gift card for. Gift certificates expire one year from purchase.

$ 85.00 USD
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Maier Private Group Class

Roxanne Maier or Robert McKenney
January 24th to March 14th at 6:15pm
Beginner - This is a Private Event
Convergence Dance, 8044 Manchester Road, 63144

private group class - Fridays starting January 10th at 6:30pm

$ 163.00 USD
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